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Soundgarden Screaming Life / Fopp Hand Of God (preacher speaking) Now I would like friends if this evening We should stand there with all other of God's Creatures on the curbstone and watch this March of time. Let us take our stand with them And as we stand there I here one of them whispering He is a Hebrew sage, he says 'vanity of vanities the whole thing is a vain parade. It has no meaning' (end preacher speaking)
The hand of God lays high above me I'll be so good if you really love me Let me feel your mighty crunch As you rub me out like water, fire, coal, etc.
Let it be known today, if you got two hands You're supposed to pray Fingers of fire, coal, and lead Fondly love me 'til I'm dead
The hand of God is thick and callous Bruised and torn from stones and sticks The hand of God has got a ring about the size of Texas Made of sweet, smelly stuff My fingers never smell
Let me try on your hand and see if it fits Don't worry I won't touch anything unholy with it Let it be known today, if you got two hands You're supposed to pray
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