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Well this dog is a dog And this walk is a hell of a walk You see, me and the dog always seem to walk too far Now this road is a road And this house never leaves me alone You see, me and the house never seem to get along
And the people I meet They don’t feed my desires I never seem to believe my eyes
Sweet dreams when you go to bed, ooh Is your daddy gonna climb into your head Oh, oh, Well then you’ll never be the same again Oh no! Let your momma get you something for the pain Yeah!
Well this hole is a hole And I fell to the bottom I know You see, me and the hole we don’t feel the need to part
And the things that I’ve seen Would make you want to cry You see, I’ve never been to a place I like
Sweet dreams when you go to bed Is your momma gonna climb into your head Oh, oh, Well then you’ll never be the same again Oh no! Let your daddy get you something for the pain Don’t say this is paradise!
And the things that I’ve seen Would make you want to sit down and cry I’ve never been to a place I like Don’t say this is paradise! Sweet dreams!
Sweet dreams when you go to bed, ooh Is your daddy gonna climb into your little head Oh, oh, Well then you’ll never be the same again Oh no! Let your momma get you something for the pain Don’t say this is paradise!
Don’t say this is paradise Don’t say this is paradise Don’t say this is paradise Don’t say this is paradise This ain’t your sweet dreams Oh no, sweet dreams!
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