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(feat. Dawes)
Woke up, the sun streaming in my room Warm beach from palm December afternoon You close your eyes Another year blows by Somewhere in the wind Just another life
My parents sent a Christmas card and then it’s true We understand you’re staying And we’re proud of you There’s a well-rehearsed disinterest in the atmosphere I don’t know if that’s what this time gave me Or if it lead me here
And I played so many parts I don’t know which one’s really me Don’t know if I can take
Another Christmas in L.A. Another pitcher of Sangria In an empty beach café Another Christmas in L.A. Hold me tighter Carmelita I don’t know how long I can stay
Left a girl behind in my old man’s truck Sometimes I wonder where she ended up Maybe she got married, had a couple of kids Who do you think you’re fooling man? Of course she did
I’m walking in that tennis bar Try and talk with Harry Bean I don’t know if I can take
Another Christmas in L.A. Another casting call on Thursday For a job that doesn’t pay Another Christmas in L.A. Another burnout in a tank top It seems your basket is the case A fat protagonist in flip flops With an extensive resume From Echo Park to Catalina
Dreaming of a white Christmas The one I used to know Tree tops glisten, children listen To sleigh bells in the snow
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