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Let me wrap myself around you Let you show me how I see And when you come back in from nowhere Do you ever think of me? Your heart is not able Let me show you how much I care I need those eyes to tide me over I’ll take your picture when I go It gives me strength and gives me patience But I’ll never let you know I got nothing on you baby But I always said I try Let me show you how much I care Cause sometimes it gets hard And don’t she know Don’t give the ghost up just clench your fist You should have known by now you were on my list Don’t give the ghost up just clench your fist You should have known by now you were on my list Don’t give the ghost up just clench your fist You should have known by now you were wrong (on my list) When your heart is not able And your prayers they’re not fables Let me show you (let me show you) Let me show you (let me show you) Let me show you how much I care oh
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