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I'm a crusader I'm the darkest lady I'm the taste on your tongue
I'm Darth Vader I know what I'm made of Cause I was born by the sun The sun
You're looking for me But it's not what you seek I've got a twisted personality
You're a crusader You're the darkest lady I like the taste of your tongue
You are Darth Vader I know what you're made of LyricsAnd you were born by the sun By the sun By the sun The sun
And I'm looking for you And I'm glad I found me A special kind of personality
When the spark goes out of you And (???) fear me I am your lung
I'm Darth Vader I know what I'm made of Cause I was born by the sun By the sun The sun The sun
I was looking for you I'm not glad I found me A special kind of personality
Yes, you are the crusader You are the lady I want to chase your tongue
You are Darth Vader I know what you're made of You are like a lung A lung A lung A lung
(And you were born by the sun) You're looking for me (By the sun) But it's not what you seek (By the sun) I've got a twisted personality By the sun
You're looking for me But it's not what you seek I've got a twisted personality (A special kind of personality)
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