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Reindeer, reindeer, reindeer I caught one of your horns And even if it rains here It's much worse in the north
Reindeer, reindeer, reindeer I caught one of your horns And even if it rains here It's much worse in the north
And you move like shadows In the dark And you glitter and you glimmer And you bark
Moon's light the feathers The sleigh this year is heavier I thought we'd reached Warzava But we are stuck in Vasa
And Santa here is faster LyricsThis house must be the last now And we follow mister Santa To the end
Reindeer, reindeer, reindeer Your formate friend Humble heavy loaded And soon it's time again
And you move like shadows In the dark And you glitter and you glimmer And you bark
Moon's light the feathers The sleigh this year is heavier I thought we'd reached Warzava But we are stuck in Vasa
And Santa here is faster This house must be the last now And we follow mister Santa To the end
Moon's light the feathers The sleigh this year is heavier I thought we'd reached Warzava But we are stuck in Vasa
And Santa here is faster This house must be the last now And we follow mister Santa To the end
And we follow mister Santa To the end And we follow mister Santa To the end And we follow mister Santa To the end And we follow mister Santa To the end
Moon's light the feathers The sleigh this year is heavier I thought we'd reached Warzava But we are stuck in Vasa
And Santa here is faster This house must be the last now And we follow mister Santa To the end
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