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Every time I look at u There's so many thing that I want to do I promise u when I'm ready I'm gonna spend my whole life with u
What is love is it steady Cause I don't know what to do Tell me girl if you're ready To do what we came to do
One day we could be together Cause u know that I wanna be down, baby But right now we can all forget it U know I gots to get around
I don't have much money, I can't buy a diamond ring I'm not tryin' to be funny, but it's only a sexual thing
Can u get wit it It's like that It's only a sexual thing Can u get wit it It's like that You're gonna love the joy I bring
Please forgive me cause I don't ever want rush u I might sound a little hasty But let's do what we came to do
U know that time is really precious And u wasted a lot of mine I'm gonna have 2 keep on movin' If you can't make up your mind
One day we could be together Cause u know that I wanna be down But right now we can all forget it Cause u know I gots to get around
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