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Well I know that no one is to blame But do you feel my strength when you call my name ’Cause I feel yours inside How could this be more right
And I have travelled through my mind I’ve given all my dreams up to time Tell me what else can I do Well I’m nothing wothout you
But you, you just don’t know what to do I guess I’ll have to lose my love for you These feelings cannot stay ’Cause I’m withering away
I’m withering away Withering away
And teardrops are all that I can give But do you really know what true love is Don’t let it slip away This doesn’t happen everyday
And you’d have no problems without me So take this song as my apology But you have closed my eyes And love’s light shall never rise
Shall never rise on me Shall never rise It shall never rise
And I’m scared I’ll never hold you again But I know that no one is to blame
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