Текст песни Yaya Bey - ​all around los angeles

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Me and baby ridin' Mercedes
All around Los Angeles
You wanna work, yeah, you wanna link
But you could never handle us
Oh, I wanna go

Where the love is free
Where it's laid out plain, everyone can see
And the nigga ride me round 'cause he all 'bout me
And he buy me furry bags and he rub my feet
And he call me spoiled brat baby, me, me, me
I'm the life of the party when we ki-ki, ki
I'm the bitch everybody wanna be, be, be
Wanna be, be, be

Dick riders to the back
'Cause you niggas only here 'cause I got it like that
I been drinking hella water, and my ass so fat
I been running on the beat, baby, kat, kat kat
And the price going up, baby, rack, rack, racks
So I see you like my style, give it back, back, back
Give it back, back, back

Even with all my expectations
You've been just what I've been waiting for
Adore me

Adore me or get the fuck out my way
I didn't come to play
I didn't come to play these games

Ain't gon' be no half steppin'
Ain't gon' be no half steppin'
With my love
With my love
With my love

Adore me or get the fuck out my way
I didn't come to play
I didn't come to play these games

Ain't gon' be no half steppin'
Ain't gon' be no half steppin'
With my love
With my love
With my love

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