Текст песни Yaya Bey - slow dancing in the kitchen

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Ooh, baby, can't you see
You're the very special love I need
For the very special parts of me
That only special you can see
See, see
See, see

Ooh, baby, came into my life so smooth, baby
Never knew a love so true, baby
Never seen the sky so blue, baby
I'm convinced it's 'cause of you, babe
It's 'cause of you, babe
It's 'cause of you, baby
It's 'cause of you, babe

Just Sunday morning, rain is pouring
Inside where the good life gets real boring
Just peace and quite, how I like it
I wouldn't change you for the world, for thе world
Change you for the world, for the world

Lеt's dance the night away, hey, hey
I never felt this way, hey, hey
I hope you're hear to stay, stay-stay, stay-stay
Let's dance the night, away
Slow dancing in the kitchen, kitchen, kitchen

Ooh, baby, came into my life so smooth, baby
Never knew a love so true, baby
Dancing in the kitchen, kitchen, kitchen
Never seen the sky so blue, baby
Slow dancing in the kitchen, kitchen, kitchen
I'm convinced it's 'cause of you
It's 'cause of you
Slow dancing in the kitchen
It's 'cause of you
It's 'cause of you, baby
Kitchen, kitchen
It's 'cause of you, babe

Just Sunday morning, rain is pouring
Inside where the good life gets real boring
Just peace and quite, how I like it
I wouldn't change you for the world, for the world
Change you for the world, for the world

Другие песни Yaya Bey

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