Текст песни Yhapojj - Fine Too

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(Mhm, you're listening to YhapoJJ)

I’m smokin right now tryna find you
I’m not wasting no more time, tryna find you
I’m not wasting no more time, tryna find you
Babygirl I want your mind and you fine too
I want you fucking home girl, cause she fine too
I wanna fuck her in her throat and her mind too
Babygirl I grab your back and your spine too
They said li Yhap that boy pshh, that boy lyin too
I see your hoe right there who she flyin to?
I beat her back in oo she cryin she crying too
These n**** lackin see them flyin too
That n**** right there and he dying through
Li bra he strapped in and he flyin too
Going down you lyin oo
Yeah she eating good tryna dine with you
Looking good looking fine withchu
You in the hood tryna ride witchu
She on the hood tryna ride witchu
It’s on the hood tryna ride witchu

Другие песни Yhapojj

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