Текст песни Yhapojj - Whats Up Wit

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(Mhm, you're listening to Yhapojj)

Your boy he born like 5 days after 4th July
Li' Yhap was born like 5 days after 4th July (Go, ugh)
I know you hear her moaning, cause we fuck a lot (Fuck a lot)
My lil' brother wanna kill him, for 'bout 50 pop (50 pop, ugh)
These niggas talking bout bitches, but these niggas cops (Go)
She fucked on three rap niggas, we had to spin the block (Had to spin the block)
This ARP my pistol, I don't even need a Glock (Need a Glock)
I fuck you in positions, she can watch (She can watch, ugh)
This bitch wanna drink my piss, lil freaky thot (Lil freaky thot)
Lil brother stay going on missions, he'll spin your top (Spin your top, ugh)
Lil brother still going on missions, he'll spin your block (He'll spin your block)
I see you right out with your-, what's up with that yhap (What's up with that yhap)
Bitch asking him for pictures, what's up with lil yhap (What's up with lil yhap)
Bitch told me "Too official", I saw this your thot (I saw this your thot, ugh)
Li' bro get the pack in, ship it out like FedEx

(Where your head at?)
Bitch where is your head at?
Sh-, I know whеre my bed at
This ho' gon' spread her legs, this ho' gon' do it, yeah

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