Здесь вы найдете слова песни carolesdaughter - Audrey. Наши пользователи находят тексты песен из различных источников в интернете, также добавялют самостоятельно. Вы можете скачать текст песни carolesdaughter - Audrey и его перевод.
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She moves slowly like she really knew me
Eyes on her back that can see right through me
Night was young but I left too early
Now I'm broke and alone and I feel kinda dirty
Everybody says not to fall in love
Plummet to my death, you're not one to trust
Everybody says that I'm just a fool
But for you
But for you
Lights on a stage like it's 1990
Slides off her heels and she's back to Audrey
Hides in her car, with the CD Walkman
Screaming lyrics to a song by My Chem
Everybody says not to fall in love
Plummet to my death, you're not one to trust
Evеrybody says that I'm just a fool
But for you
But for you
I'd do anything
To see the real you
I'd do anything
To touch and feel you
I'd do anything
To see the rеal you
I'd do anything
To touch and feel you
I'd do anything
To see the real you
I'd do anything
To touch and feel you
I'd do anything
To see the real you
I'd do anything
To touch and feel you
I'd do anything
To see the real you
I'd do anything
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Также принимается перевод песни «Audrey».
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