Текст песни Alec Benjamin - By Now

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[Verse 1]
Isn't it strange how nothing's changed?
How it's been years and you're still in my brain
How the wounds heal, but I still feel the pain
Lately, I feel like I'm goin' insane

You're the blue song on my red guitar
Raindrop on my brand new car
Roadblock on a fresh strip of highway
On an otherwise sunny day
You're that one speck of gray
Only thing standing in my way

Don't know what to do, should be over you
By now (By now), by now (By now)
Think I'm overdue, should be over you
By now (By now), by now (By now)
Don't know what to do, should be over you
By now (By now), by now (By now)
Think I'm overdue, should be over you by now (By now)
Somehow, I'm still not over you by now

[Verse 2]
Oh, some things change
Oh, and some things, well, they just stay the same
Like how my feelings for you still remain
Lately, I feel like I'm goin' insane

You're the blue song on my red guitar
Raindrop on my brand new car
Roadblock on a fresh strip of highway
On an otherwise sunny day
You're that one speck of gray
Only thing standing in my way

Don't know what to do, should be over you
By now (By now), by now (By now)
Think I'm overdue, should be over you
By now (By now), by now (By now)
Don't know what to do, should be over you
By now (By now), by now (By now)
Think I'm overdue, should be over you by now (By now)
Somehow, I'm still not over you by now

Da-da-do, da-da-do, da-da-do, do
Da-da-do, da-da-do, da-da-do, do
Da-da-do, da-da-do, da-da-do, da, dum, dum
Somehow, I'm still not over you by now
Da-da-do, da-da-do, da-da-do, do
Da-da-do, da-da-do, da-da-do, do
Da-da-do, da-da-do, da-da-do, da, dum, dum
Somehow, I'm still not over you by now
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