Текст песни Alec Benjamin - Lead Me To Water

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If you lead me to water, swear that I will drink
Can you offer me a hand?
I think I need you more than ever now
I need you more than ever

[Verse 1]
I don't wanna suffer, I can't take the pain
Can you lift me from the gutter, save me from the rain?
Can you love me like a brother, tell me it's okay?
Help me to recover and not run away

Can you teach me to fish so I can feed myself?
Can you help me like this, take me down to the well?
Can you pleasе take me down to the wеll? Mm

If you lead me to water, swear that I will drink
Can you offer me a hand?
I think I need you more than ever now
I need you more than ever
If you lead me to water, then I'll take a sip
Can you offer me a hand, your grip?
I need you more than ever now
I need you more than ever

[Verse 2]
I don't wanna struggle, I don't wanna die
Right now, I'm in trouble, strugglin' to survive
I don't know how to juggle, how to live my life
Wish I could be more subtle, but I don't wanna lie

Can you teach me to fish so I can feed myself?
Can you help me like this, take me down to the well?
Can you please take me down to the well? Mm

If you lead me to water, swear that I will drink
Can you offer me a hand?
I think I need you more than ever now
I need you more than ever
If you lead me to water, then I'll take a sip
Can you offer me a hand, your grip?
I need you more than ever now
I need you more than ever

I don't think I can do it by myself
I don't think I can do it by myself

If you lead me to water, swear that I will drink
Can you offer me a hand?
I think I need you more than ever now
I need you more than ever
If you lead me to water, then I'll take a sip
Can you offer me a hand, your grip?
I need you more than ever now
I need you more than ever

Can you teach me to fish so I can feed myself?
Can you help me like this, take me down to the well?
Can you please take me down to the well? Mm
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