Текст песни Alec Benjamin - Love The Ones Who Leave

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[Verse 1]
It's sadistic, masochistic
Oh, I do it to myself
Guess I'm addicted, I predicted
That you'd break me, I could tell
By the color of your lipstick
By the way your perfume smelled
By the way you'd say my name
I knew one day you'd say "farewell"

But I fell for you
Even though I knew
It would ruin me completely
Wish it wasn't true
But that's what I do
I love the ones who leave me

I love the ones who leave me (Ah-ah)
The ones who walk away (Ah-ah)
The onеs who didn't need me (Ah-ah)
Never lovеd me anyway (Ah-ah)
I love the ones who leave me (Ah-ah)
The ones who never cared (Ah-ah)
The ones who deceive me (Ah-ah)
I love the ones, love the ones
Love the ones who leave me


[Verse 2]
Fatalistic, the statistics
Told me I'd do it again
Like addiction, my prediction
Was you'd break me, knew it then
By the color of your lipstick
By the messages you'd send
By the way you'd say my name
I knew one day you'd say "the end"

But I fell for you
Even though I knew
It would ruin me completely
Wish it wasn't true
But that's what I do
I love the ones who leave me

I love the ones who leave me (Ah-ah)
The ones who walk away (Ah-ah)
The ones who didn't need me (Ah-ah)
Never loved me anyway (Ah-ah)
I love the ones who leave me (Ah-ah)
The ones who never cared (Ah-ah)
The ones who deceive me (Ah-ah)
I love the ones, love the ones
Love the ones who leave me


Like a moth drawn to a flame
I can't seem to stay away
Only have myself to blame
Wish I loved the ones who stayed, na-na (Na-na)
Wish I loved the ones who stayed, na-na (Na-na)
But I love the ones who leave me
Like a moth drawn to a flame
I can't seem to stay away
Only have myself to blame
Wish I loved the ones who stayed, na-na (Na-na)
I wish I loved the ones who stayed, na-na (Na-na)
I love the ones who leave me
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