Текст песни Amen Dunes - Boys

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It takes a long time to know that
It takes a long time to know that
It takes a long time
It takes a long time to know that

Still out on a Sunday
He died over the weekend

He tried hard
Tried hard
But he caved right in

Do you really want it?
Oh, you always said you would
Do you really want it?
Though I know it isn't true
Do you really want it?
Though it always felt untrue
Do you really want it?
Though I never said I would
You said you couldn't save him
You know he always thought you could
You said you couldn't save him
Though he always thought you would
People 'round you talking, but you never listen to them

But I never lied on Sunday, ain't go no one to listen to
He's still out on Sunday, he's got no one to listen to
He's still out on Sunday, you can't tell him what to do
You're still out on Sunday, you can't tell him what to do
He's still out on Sunday, he's got no one to listen to

It takes a lot to care
As if they're even there

And do you dare to tell me, you have done all you could do
But do you mean to tell me, you have done all that you could do
No suicide, no damage, depends on who you answer to
No suicide, no damage, you can't tell him what to do
You won't find me breaking, no one tells me what to do

The kids come out to kill
The streets have made you bad
The kids come out to kill
'Cause everything you've done, it's been done to you too
Everything you've done, it's been done to you too

You know that all my lies are true
May all your lies come true

Тексты лучших песен Amen Dunes

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