Текст песни Amen Dunes - I Don’t Mind

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You need love, I don't mind
From anyone
I don't mind

We can talk if you want
Or we could lay here until June
I don't mind

You can have me
For free
I don't mind, yeah, I don't mind

Look at you, "the Plague's coming!"
I don't mind, yeah, I don't mind

If they take me first
I'll come back for you

If he were alive
(If he were alive)
He'd just sigh
Man, let them run around
(Man, let them run around)
As they like

If you wanna know
How to be a star
You gotta follow me
But don't show me who you really are
(But don't show me who you really are)

You might break down in this life
At the end of the line
(At the end of the line)
But never mind

She talked a lot like me, but the difference you see
Is that I know it's only a game

Called you up just to talk
Once more before you're dead
What'd you think of life on Earth?

Тексты лучших песен Amen Dunes

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