Текст песни Amen Dunes - What I Want

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I will spend my life here, running around
People stand there melting, loving the sound
Stars are erupting today
You know you fill me with things to say
(Ahh, ahh, ahh)

I will place my knife, Dear, here on the ground
You can stick it to me to keep me around
Sleep little baby, sleep
And I'll find you in your dreams
(Ahh, ahh, ahh)

What I want
What I want

I will spend my life here running around
People stand there melting, love is the sound
Stars are erupting today
When you fill me with things to say
(Ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh)

What I want
What I want
What I want
What I want

Тексты лучших песен Amen Dunes

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