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So early in the morning It's the same now every day Sign your name and number Cutting from the ball and chain
Never letting go when The weight was so deceiving Treading on a turning wheel
Machinery is screaming Shoulder to the stone again Praying for the evening Hiding as the fist hits steel
Never letting go when The weight was so deceiving Treading on a turning wheel
Enough's enough, it's eye to eye Enough's enough, we cry Enough's enough, of smoke and steel Enough's enough of turning this wheel
Looking at his picture Steel did turn the skin to bone Father I remember The hands that had to break the stone
Never letting go when The weight was so deceiving Treading on a turning wheel
Enough's enough, it's eye to eye Enough's enough, we cry Enough's enough, of smoke and steel Enough's enough of turning this wheel Of turning this wheel
Never letting go when The weight was so deceiving Treading on a turning wheel
La, la, la, la, la La, la, la, la, la La, la, la, la, la, la [Incomprehensible] are holding you
La, la, la, la, la La, la, la, la, la La, la, la, la, la [Incomprehensible] are holding your hand
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