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The time is right for dancing, New Moon is rising high The stars they shine like diamonds do, within a velvet sky Who cares when it is midnight? No curfew here, I swear The angels dance with us tonight, the Devil won't be there Warm breeze from the Sahara, at St. Rene? l'Abbe? Fling your shoes into the wind, and roll your cares away
Listen children, what's that sound? Won't you come and hear our music play All good children gather round And we'll dance the holy night away, What you say? Step this way It's okay...
Our troubles are but bubbles, floating off toward the moon This special time is precious, for the morning comes too soon So, listen to the music, and join us if you dare Come and take a breath of this intoxicating air This is a perfect evening, there's magic here tonight If you believe in miracles, there's plenty here tonight
Listen children, what's that sound? Won't you come and hear our music play All good children gather round And we'll dance the holy night away, What you say? Step this way It's okay E?coutez!
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