Текст песни Benedict Cork - God Damn

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[Verse 1]
Tell me that I look nice
Tell me that I've never looked better
Dressed up in your headlights
Heels to make my ass look bigger

Is a man is a man is a man is a man is a man is a man still a man if he can't love a woman?
Will I ever be forgiven, yeah?
I don't wanna talk about it
I don't wanna talk about it
I'm so sick of talking, I'm so sick of talking, I'm so sick of talking, yeah

God damn, strip me of all that I am
Pray me away but I'd still be more of a man
Push me to break if you can
Set fire to the glag in my hands
Tell me who to love, but I'd still be more of a man
God damn

[Verse 2]
A shimmer in the spotlight
I've nevеr seen a head turn quicker
I'm a freak show for thе drive by
A hero for the holy sinners

Is a man is a man is a man is a man is a man is a man still a man if he walk like a woman?
And she talk like a killer, yeah
So take all the attention, wind down all the windows
Baby, let them stop and stare
'Cause everybody talking, everybody talking, everybody talking about us, yeah

God damn, strip me of all that I am
Pray me away but I'd still be more of a man
Push me to break if you can
Set fire to the glag in my hands
Tell me who to love, but I'd still be more of a man
(You, ooh)

God damn
More than you
God damn
Than you
God damn
More than you

God damn, strip me of all that I am
Pray me away but I'd still be more of a man
Push me to break if you can
Set fire to the glag in my hands
Tell me who to love, but I'd still be more of a man
God damn
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