Текст песни Benedict Cork -
Reasons I Loved You (I Can’t Think Of Me)
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I made a list of the reasons I loved ya
And all of the shit that you did that was wrong
The bad came so easy (Woo)
When I think of the reasons I want ya (Woo)
I can't even think of one
[Verse 1]
When people ask how I been, I always say I'm alright
And when I ask how you're doing, they always say that you're fine
You were kind and I was young, how was I supposed to know?
Thought I was a fool to let you go
It's been a couple of years, why am I still writing songs
About the best that I had? Love must be blind 'cause all along
You were cruel, manipulating, every move we made
And I took it for love, it's such a shamе
Now I feel like a fool over again, so
I made a list of thе reasons I loved ya
All of the shit that you did that was wrong
The bad came so easy
When I think of the reasons I want ya
I can't even think of one, yeah
I can't even think of one, yeah (Ooh)
[Verse 2]
Said you'd be a couple of hours, crawl in at quarter past five
Said we'd do dinner at eight, been waiting 'round all night
Lent you a couple grand, you drank it all away
And made it out like I'm the one to blame
I'm through with singing your praise, been making out like you're a saint
Heard you been running your mouth, but two can play at that game
I never got the chance, to shout it to your face
But I still got a few more things to say, so
I made a list of the reasons I loved ya
All of the shit that you did that was wrong
The bad came so easy
When I think of the reasons I want ya
I can't even think of one
I can't even think of one
I can't even think of one
I can't even think of one
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