Здесь вы найдете слова песни Benedict Cork - Nice Guy. Наши пользователи находят тексты песен из различных источников в интернете, также добавялют самостоятельно. Вы можете скачать текст песни Benedict Cork - Nice Guy и его перевод.
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[Verse 1]
We'll stay up all night, if that's the way that you want it
Set this bed on fire, if that's the way that you like it
I could try lovin' you the way that you're used to
Rip your pretty heart out and then tear it in two
If you want me to be rough, wear your name on my heart like a tattoo
But you know, I've always been the nice guy
Never hurt you back, tried to treat you right
But, baby, I know I could be the man of your dreams
If I learn to fuck you over just like every other guy that you've been with
Or could you love a nice guy like me?
Like mе
[Verse 2]
Yeah, I could break the rulеs to all the games that you're playin'
And with a sucker punch, I'd leave you in a second
And I can see you on the floor here in pieces
Tell you pretty lies and give a thousand excuses
Leave you holdin' on, sayin' one day maybe I would come back to you, if I wanted to
But you know, I've always been the nice guy
Never hurt you back, tried to treat you right
But, baby, I know I could be the man of your dreams
If I learn to fuck you over just like every other guy that you've been with
Or could you love a nice guy like me?
Like me
Like me
Ooh-ooh, ah-ah
Baby, I know I could be the man of your dreams
Oh, baby, I know I could be the man of your dreams
But you know, I've always been the nice guy
Never hurt you back, tried to treat you right
But, baby, I know I could be the man of your dreams
If I learn to fuck you over just like every other guy that you've been with
Or could you love a nice guy like me?
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Также принимается перевод песни «Nice Guy».
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