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[Verse 1]
You and me been on some ride
Held off the night till the sunrise
Saw the world through a child's eyes
Been in love for a long time
You and me tore the walls down
And built them up in a new town
I used to sing for the whole crowd
Now, every song is for you, now
Castles may crumble
And fall to the sea
Yeah, we're livin' in paradise
Yeah, we're livin' in paradise
[Verse 2]
Seasons come and the seasons go
We planted seeds and we watched them grow
We wrote the book on the highs and lows
We figured out what we didn't know
You give me faith when I'm losing hope
We may have bent but we never broke
The rain can fall and the wind will blow
The sun'll shine anywhere we go
I can't remember
Before you and me
Yeah, we're livin' in paradise
Yeah, we're livin' in paradise
Summer's gone, it's been a long September
Nothin' matters, long as we're together
Yeah, we're livin' in paradise
Come alive, come alive, come alive, come alive
Come alive, come alive, come alive, come alive
From the embers, we will rise
And we'll light up the sky
Yeah, we're livin' in paradise
Yeah, we're livin' in paradise
Summer's gone, it's been a long September
Nothin' matters, long as we're together
Yeah, we're livin' in paradise
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