Текст песни Christina Aguilera - I`m OK

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Once upon a time there was a girl

In her early years she had to learn

How to grow up living in a war that she called home

Never know just where to turn for shelter from the storm

Hurt me to see the pain across my mothers face

Everytime my fathers fist would put her in her place

Hearing all the yelling I would cry up in my room

Hoping it would be over soon

Bruises fade father, but the pain remains the same

And I still remember how you kept me so afraid

Strength is my mother for all the love she gave

Every morning that I wake I look back to yesterday

And Im ok

I often wonder why I carry all this guilt

When its you that helped me put up all these walls Ive built

Shadows stir at night through a crack in the door

The echo of a broken child screaming "please no more"

Daddy, dont you understand the damage you have done

To you its just a memory, but for me it still lives on

Bruises fade father, but the pain remains the same

And I still remember how you kept me so, so afraid

Strength is my mother for all the love she gave

Every morning that I wake I look back to yesterday

Its not so easy to forget

All the lines you left along her neck

When I was thrown against cold stairs

And every day Im afraid to come home

In fear of what I might see there

Bruises fade father but the pain remains the same

And I still remember how you kept me so afraid

Strength is my mother for all the love she gave

Every morning that I wake I look back to yesterday

And Im ok

Im ok

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