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[Verse 1]
Stoplights, a familiar drive
Through another ghost town on a Saturday night
Alone, so you're losing your mind tonight (Tonight, tonight)
And I said, "Calm down, I'll be there by the nine
Don't you get yourself down, not the end of your life
Don't mean that you're marrying me tonight, tonight"
And you said, "You got it? We're nothing
I'm the worst if you want it"
When your heart aches and it's dead in the night
Don't you worry for me, it's cool
It's enough to survive
Don't you worry, I want your fainted love
That's enough, fainted love
[Verse 2]
Darkroom, not a whispering word
Guess you take all the pain that you think you deserve
Won't sleep 'cause it's easy to hurt tonight, tonight
'Cause you said, "You got it? We're nothing
I'm the worst if you want it"
See Conan Gray Live
When your heart aches and it's dead in the night
Don't you worry for me, it's cool
It's enough to survive
Don't you worry, I want your fainted love
That's enough, fainted love
I want your fainted love
That's enough, fainted love
White lies from the passenger seat
Say you'll love me for life, say you'll never leave
Kiss me 'til I almost believe, tonight (Tonight, tonight, tonight)
But when your heart aches and it's dead in the night
Don't you worry for me, it's cool
It's enough to survive
Don't you worry I want your fainted love
That's enough, fainted love
I want your fainted love
That's enough, fainted love
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