Текст песни Dreamer Boy - Heartbreaker

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Oh, yeah
Oh, yeah

[Verse 1]
Back holdin' my head comin' down
Beggin' Lucky Lue if she'd stick around
I said, "Ooh, baby, I wanna be your boy" (Oh, yeah)
I'd see her all the time at five and diner
She would blow me kisses cross the kitchen counter
I said, "Ooh-ooh, baby, I wanna be your boy"

Oh, she said, "Don't go 'around breakin' hearts
If you do, baby, I'll do the same
I'll do the same" (Oh, yeah)
"Don't go 'around breakin, hearts
If you do, baby, I'll do the same
I'll do the same" (Oh, yeah)

[Verse 2]
Keepin' up with her games made me crazy
Stringin' me along, oh, but that don't phase me
I said, "Ooh, baby, I wanna bе your boy"
She looked at me straight, shе looked at me sideways
She would take me to bed, and then she'd go hit the highway
Oh, baby, 'cause I wanna be your boy (Oh, yeah)
She was smokin' me out, put a gun a gun to my rib
And then she sent me a mile, and then made love to me still
I said, "Ooh-ooh, baby, I wanna be your boy" (Oh, yeah)

She said, "Don't go 'around breakin' hearts
If you do, baby, I'll do the same (Oh, yeah)
I'll do the same" (Oh)
"Don't go 'around breakin, hearts
If you do, baby, I'll do the same
I'll do the same" (Oh, yeah)

"Don't go 'around breakin' hearts
If you do, baby, I'll do the same
I'll do the same" (Oh, yeah)
"Don't go 'around breakin, hearts
If you do, baby, I'll do the same
I'll do the same" (Oh, yeah)

Тексты лучших песен Dreamer Boy

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