Текст песни Dreamer Boy - Summer In America

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[Verse 1]
Who do I listen to?
Does anybody have a clue?
When you rip through your dancing shoes
And you're tiptoeing through everybody else's news
Say, "What you chewin' on lately?"
Elastic attention with no definition
No clear intention
I puddle jump, I puddle jump, reflection to reflection
Till I feel connection, my ego is a weapon, and I

Got the sun on my back, and it's summer in America
And I
Got the sun on my back, and it's summer in America
Oh, I

La-la-la, yeah
(Yeah, I told 'em I said)

[Verse 2]
I got a bad case of envy, been getting pretty skinny
I'm like a buck forty soakin' wet, need therapy within me
I'm a face and a body, a human, a human
"Oh boy, you need Jesus, what the hell are ya doin'?"
And I was going to the party, where the DJ would play
And Jonny said, "More parties in the USA," and now I

I stumble the streets, and it's summer in America
And I
No, I can't feel a thing, and it's summer in America
Oh, why?

(I was walking home)

The parking lot is vacant
Except a single car with two young lovers making vows on the tar
And I take a photo walking by, memorize their shape
It's a blurry mess of love and jest, it's all I'm left to trace, and now I

I stumble the streets, and it's summer in America
And I
The sun's on my back, and it's summer in America
And I
I can't find love, and it's summer in America

Somebody take me in

Тексты лучших песен Dreamer Boy

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