Текст песни Dreamer Boy - Mud

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We made love
After watching Forest Gump in my living room
You were wearing cowboy boots while I went down on you
"That Crazy Feeling"
"Coney Island Baby"
Roller coaster ride
On my birthday
You were dancing like a freak
I hid the cocaine
While you kissed me on the cheek
In the photo booth
Pull me close to you
Do you still have it?
The photo?
I know you do

And I think you are the best thing
This side of the Mississippi
Why did we stop believing in the magic that we were missing?

We both had crushes on that guy from that one band
You have pictures on your wall by your nightstand
You were romancing my best friend while I was gone
I did the same could you blame me we lost it all

I really miss your accent
I miss the way you dress
I heard you took it back
The note you left in my bed
She likes boys when they're in a band
Clementine in her hand
She was mine
For a time
Now she makes me cry

I hit the road
Hit the pipe dream
I was flying but then it hit me
Why did we stop believing in the magic that we were missing?
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