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(Hinkel / Freudenthaler)
Whenever I buy a lighter in the store You take it away I cannot find the ashtray anymore Did you take it away? Smoking is not good for me It damages my health If you don’t give me nicotine Well, then I ask somebody else
And you say What you do Is just the way that I wanted you to And you say What you see Is not the way that you want me to be
Whenever I pour myself a glass of wine You take it away The bottle I bought today I cannot find Did you take it away? Drinking is not good for me It damages my brain I haven’t had a single drop And it’s driving me insane
That you say What you do Is just the way that I wanted you to And you say What you see Is not the way that you want me to be
Whenever I get some change from anywhere You take it away I’m loving my little bankbook ЁC you don’t care You take it away Money is not good for me It damages my soul You take away my piggy bank And dig it in a hole
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