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(Hinkel / Freudenthaler)
Emily’s going out tonight With a candle in her pocket and a lighter in her right hand Does anybody know why she’s gonna go She’s nearly out of sight Emily’s out tonight
So familiar How ladylike the old girl comes along She’s ninety something, dressed up and wide awake A little slow but going strong She’s paid off the overdraft for the TV she has bought in 84 She’s been paying all her lifetime But now she’s gonna pay no more
Deep religious She went to mess on every Sunday morning She’s believing in God but she don’t like the priest he’s new in town ЁC and very boring She’s listened to his sermon well though she’s heard the same one hundred times before She’s heard them all her lifetime But now she’s gonna listen anymore
Emily’s going out tonight With a candle in her pocket and a lighter in her right hand Does anybody know why she’s gonna go away She’s gonna make it today
She’s very friendly and open minded always understanding Bad behaviour she doesn’t like at all She’s very modest, she’s never been demanding She’s always followed every rule though she didn’t even know what they’ve been for She has followed all her lifetime But now she’s gonna follow anymore
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