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(Lennon / McCartney)
Cry Baby Cry Make your mother sigh She’s old enough to know better So cry baby cry
The king of Marigold was in the kitchen cooking breakfast for the queen The queen was in the parlor playing piano for the children of the king
Cry Baby Cry Make your mother sigh She’s old enough to know better So cry baby cry
The king was in the garden picking flowers for a friend who came to play The queen was in the playroom painting pictures for the children’s holiday
Cry Baby Cry Make your mother sigh She’s old enough to know better So cry baby cry
The duchess of Kilcardy always smiling and arriving late for tea The duke was having problems with the message at the local Bird and Bee
Cry Baby Cry Make your mother sigh She’s old enough to know better So cry baby cry
Twelve o’clock a meeting ’round the table for a sentence in the dark With voices out of nowhere put on specially by the children for a lark
Cry Baby Cry Make your mother sigh She’s old enough to know better So cry baby cry
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