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Masters are relentless, torture is for slaves Money, greed and power drives you to obey Temperature is rising, shakes me to the core Blood and domination, victims of the law
When bloody angels spread their wings
We’re drowning in madness, the heart of the Unicorn... Dwelling in sadness, the heart of the Unicorn... ...is dead
I see the demons rising, beyond their sleeping void Deep and down the masters take them to the light Their piercing rays are blazing, obliterating fast All dreams are torn to pieces, vaporized at last
When bloody angels spread their wings
We’re drowning in madness, the heart of the Unicorn... Dwelling in sadness, the heart of the Unicorn... ...is dead
I scan the dead horizon, illuminated curse In squished imagination, catastrophies unfurl Beyond the cataclysm, a dream of Unicorns The purest heart in heaven, stabbed by poisoned thorns
Bloody angels, searing with fire-turn to dust
All through the millenniums, I’ve seen the writing on the wall Into our oblivion, we are the riders on the storm
We’re drowning in madness, the heart of the Unicorn... Dwelling in sadness, the heart of the Unicorn... ...is dead
Beware - all dead No light - all dead No dreams - all dead No life - you’re dead
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