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Who’s controlling all the misery and pain When the error signs are lighted in the masterhall And from the start the action is in vein Cause the beast is always careful to avoid the fall
We crawl up to the skies. We’ll never return again
We’re the last before the storm Watching the sun going down on us We wish we had never been born To be the last before the storm
Who’s ever gonna change the world I don’t understand what we are fighting for The truth is sad, no lying, we are cursed I don’t really know who ever made the law
We cry on for more, we wonder what’s next to the world We settle the score, we never look back
We’re the last before the storm Watching the sun going down on us We wish we had never been born To be the last before the storm
Cry out for the people who don’t know the world They don’t understand what they say and they’re cursed Lying for reasons in search for the truth
Mephisto - we comin’ down Mephisto - we comin’ down
We cry out for more, we wonder what’s next to the world We settle the score, we never look back
We’re the last before the storm Watching the sun going down on us We wish we had never been born To be the last before the storm
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