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Therefore I’m laying down in laughter Mighty, the mightiest life hereafter The trip we started hasn’t finished here And while we think there’s not a shade of fear
Black points jump in crossing lines Insanity and Genius Both two sides are what I find And I know they’re mine
Sometime my womb bears an actor Your mind - creating tragic factors You’ve got knowledge - stolen from the sea You’ve got wisdom - just stolen knowledge
Black points jump in crossing lines Both two sides are what I find Insanity’s not far behind the genius inside
Close before - insanity and genius - close before Close before - insanity and genius - close before
And everyday a dreamer dies To see what’s on the other side And everyday more dreamers die my friend While black points jump in crossing lines again
Companions in approaching time - Insanity and Genius Good old friends in common life - Insanity and Genius
Close before - insanity and genius - close before (x3)
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