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Atomic fallout scans the sky Another place where people die And with a massive final punch We left a world of pain
And now pollutions everywhere Another death is in the air A million people left alone Down in their desperate, blackened homes
Tomorrow there’ll be no sun Hanging high up in the sky Tomorrow all dead and gone And I wish that I could fly
We are lost, in the future, we are lost In a dream we can’t control No way So tell me now computer god
We plug our lives into machines And as they’re guiding our dreams We’re individually lost As we are nailed to our cross
Tomorrow there’ll be a sun Hanging high up in the sky Tomorrow I’m dead and gone Oh I wish that I could fly
We are lost, in the future, we are lost It’s a nightmare, we are lost In the future, we are lost In a dream we’ll never see
Our hearts live forever In dreams are alive Forever and ever We’re riding the sky
All hope is lost, but nothing gained We’re crying again Is this the end? Lost, in the future, we are lost
It’s a nightmare, we are lost In the future, we are lost In a dream we can’t control We’re lost, so lost We’re lost, so lost We all are lost!
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