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Leaving the planet, we’re coming to burn Fight for the nation, we know there will be no return Interstellarian, galactical wars Now we are feeling we got no... We got no remorse
Stellarian fighters are ready to strike She alien vessels are burning tonight
So glorious we’ll fly like the eagle in the sky And I know it’s gonna be victory
We’re solid - erasing the alien planet We’re solid - erasing the alien planet
The alien tyrants will knock at your door They come for a reason and they will be coming for more - yes, they will - No conversation, agreements to make Eyes that are gleaming are twisting and sealing your fate Now it’s the time for us all to strike back All systems prepare for the final attack
So glorious we’ll fly like the eagle in the sky And I know it’s gonna be victory
We’re solid - erasing the alien planet We’re solid - erasing the alien planet
We’re solid We’re solid
So glorious we’ll fly like the eagle in the sky And I know it’s gonna be victory
We’re solid - erasing the alien planet We’re solid - erasing the alien planet We’re solid We’re solid
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