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seven a.m., the garbage truck beeps as it backs up and I start my day thinking about what I’ve thrown away. Could I push rewind? The credits traverse signifying the end but I missed the best part. Could we please go back to start?
Forgive my indecision
Then again, you’re always first when no one’s on your side. But then again, a day will come when I want off that ride.
eleven a.m., by now you would think that I would be up but my bedsheets shade the heat of choices I’ve made. And what did I find? I never thought I could want someone so much ’cause now you’re not here and I’m knee deep in that old fear.
Forgive my indecision... I am only a man
Then again, you’re always first when no one’s on your side. But then again, a day will come when I want off that ride.
Twelve pm and my dusty telephone rings. Heavy head up from my pillow, who could it be? I hope it’s you.
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