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Un-learn me Ditch what I read Behind what I heard
Look Find Free Yet? Do you get it yet? Do you get it? From here on it’s instinctual Even straight roads meander Every piece contains a map of... It all! It all!
Evidence In the march of the art Pulse of the sea
Look Find Free Yet? Do you get it yet? Do you get it? From here on it’s instinctual Even straight roads meander Every piece contains a map of it all! It all! On the line, indivisible A crow left of the murder Every piece contains a map of it all
Everything I wanted, wanted to know Everything I wanted, wanted to see
Un-learn me Do you get it yet? Look, find, free Do you get it yet? Do you get it yet? Do you get it yet? Do you get it yet? Do you get it yet? Do you get it yet? Do you get it yet?
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