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A cloud hangs over, This city by the sea, I watch the ships pass and wonder if she might be, Out there and sober as well for loneliness, Please do persist girl its time we met and made a mess
I picture your face in the back of my eyes, A fire in the attic a proof of the prize, Annamolly, Annamolly, Annamolly Doo doo doo doo do, Doo doo doo doo do
A cloud hangs over, And mutes my happiness, A thousand ships couldnt sail me back from distress, Wish you were here, I'm a wounded satellite, I need you now put me back together make me right
I picture your face in the back of my eyes A fire in the attic a proof of the prize, Annamolly, Annamolly, Annamolly, I'll call to your name, Up into the air, Not one of the others, could ever compare, Annamolly, Annamolly
Wait there is a light, There is a fire illuminated attic, Fate or something better I couldn't care less, Just stay with me a while, Wait there is a light there is a fire defragmenting the attic, Fate or something better I couldn't care less, Just stay with me a while.
I picture your face in the back of my eyes A fire in the attic, a proof of the prize Annamolly, Annamolly,Annamolly I'll call out your name Up into the air Not one of the others could ever compare Annamolly, Annamolly, Annamolly (wait there is a light, there is a fire defragmenting the attic) Annamolly(fate or something better, I could care less, just stay with me a while)
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