Текст песни Mat Kearney - Drowning In Nostalgia

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[Verse 1]
The fire started at the 4 in the morning
Dawning on his daddy cigarette burning low
He still hearing the sound trying to get out of the house that never felt like a home
You bring up the memories, he still stuck at seventeen
And leaving work in the evening to start drinking for a reason that he already knows

Said I wanna be free, darling
Like I feel in my dreams
It's all that I see fallen
When I can't go to sleep
Feels like I'm drowning in nostalgia
And I just wanna breathe
I wanna be free, darling
Like I feel in my dreams

Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh
Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh

[Verse 2]
He met her under the mountains of Montana
By the summer they all went up in smoke
He said we're better together, but all these embers seem to follow me wherever I go
Dumb luck at twenty-three, don't change the history
He was watching the shimmer out on the river saying maybe this is my way home

Said I wanna be free, darling
Like I feel in my dreams
It's all that I see fallen
When I can't go to sleep
Feels like I'm drowning in nostalgia
And I just wanna breathe
I wanna be free, darling
Like I feel in my dreams

Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh
Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh

Said I wanna be free, darling
Like I feel in my dreams
It's all that I see fallen
When I can't go to sleep
Feels like I'm drowning in nostalgia
And I just wanna breathe
I wanna be free, darling
Like I feel in my dreams

Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh
Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh

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