Текст песни Mat Kearney - Sumac

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[Verse 1]
Every night when I sleep
You keep knocking 'round my head and in my dreams
I can't find the air to breathe
Sitting, waiting on some reciprocity

But I don't mind
Mmm, it's alright, you can take your time
And tried and I tried and I tried, but I can't lie
Mmm, and it still feels like

Sumac, taste on my lips
Swinging your hair and balling your fists
I can't resist
It is what it is
I know you're introverted
These words that you live are all that exist
I take what you give
It is what it is

[Verse 2]
It's like I'm flying through the trees
Swerving in and out of powdered evergreens
You know I say it like I mean
Waiting patient's not an easy thing to me

I got time
Mmm, it's alright, you can ease your mind
My, oh my, oh my, oh my, oh my
Mmm, and it still feels like flyin'

Sumac, taste on my lips
Swinging your hair and balling your fists
I can't resist
It is what it is
I know you're introverted, these words that you give
Are minimalists all
Right from your lips
I'll take what you give
It is what it is

Ooh, you flip the switch
Ooh, I can't resist
Ooh, I'll take what you give
Ooh (Right from your lips) is what it is, is what it is

Другие песни Mat Kearney

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