Текст песни Mat Kearney - My Two Hands

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[Verse 1]
I wanna shape you an ivory tower
And paint it with flowers
My two hands
I wanna make you a boat out of paper
And float over glaciers
My two hands

I wanna build you something
You can fill with love and
Watch your heart expand
I wanna make it better
Sew it all together
Wanna hold you as close as I can
My two hands
My two hands

[Verse 2]
I wanna paint you a midnight picture
The lines of your figure
My two hands
I wanna sow the seeds of the children
The gardens we're building
My two hands

I wanna build you something
You can fill with love and
Watch your heart expand
I wanna make it better
Sew it all together
Wanna hold you as close as I can
My two hands
My two hands

[Verse 3]
I wanna build you a world we can live in
Nothing is missing
My two hands

I wanna build you somеthing
You can fill with love and
Watch your heart expand
I wanna makе it better
Sew it all together
Wanna hold you as close as I can
My two hands
My two hands

My two hands
My two hands
My two hands
My two hands

Другие песни Mat Kearney

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