Текст песни Snarls - Big Fish

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[Verse 1]
Quiet, never really talked much
Schoolgirl, couldn't ever keep up
But I wasn't quite a loser
I think I got a little cooler
'Cause I caught your attention
Do I really have to mention
That I'm always a winner
And I eat my chicken dinner

Ah-ah-ah, ah-ah
Ah-ah-ah, ah-ah
Ah-ah-ah, ah-ah
Ah-ah-ah, ah-ah

[Verse 2]
Blow out your birthday candles
Back then, it seemed so simple
Just wanted people to get me
It's my lone wolf mentality
And as I've grown a little bolder
My heart has never gotten colder
But all the fears I had were empty
Now wishing ain't quite as scary

Ah-ah-ah, ah-ah
Ah-ah-ah, ah-ah
Ah-ah-ah, ah-ah
Ah-ah-ah, ah-ah

I'm just a girl, I'm just a girl

I've turned into the big fish
And you don't even know it yet
I'm coming up around the bend
And you don't even know it

[Verse 3]
You made a wish so big
You can close your eyes, count to ten
It all blew out with one big breath
But look at all this time we've left
It's all subject to change I guess
Who really cares if we're different?
'Cause I've got all my own shit
Yeah, I'm just a girl, I'm just a girl

I'm the big fish
And you don't even know it yet
I'm coming up around the bend
And you don't even know it
I've got a headache now
Building up before the storm
But it's never felt so warm
You haven't even heard it

(Haven't even seen it)
(Haven't even felt it)

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