Текст песни Snarls - Sugar Rush

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[Verse 1]
All I could do was hold you close
Clasp on you tight like quartz of rose
Let the flames of anguish light me now
Burn this sickened world, turn it upside down

'Cause we're never free until we’re dead
Dancing in the kitchen in my head
How I wish I could stretch the length of a second?
Curse your heart forever if you forget this moment

Your precious touch, I'll never leave it in the dust (Leave it in the dust)
It brings me right into your temporary love (It is only us)
With last night's makeup still on my face (Leave your kiss on my face)
One taste of your sweetness, I feel the sugar rush

[Verse 2]
In your lights, I freeze just like a doe
Bit into my words as my heartbeat rose
Let this liquid courage ignite me now
Nothing lasts forever, so why not try it out?
Freak of nature, look into my eyes
You will count hazel flecks a thousand times
Three, two, one, you'll never be the same
When you go into that light, you better scream my name

'Cause we're never free until we’re dead
Dancing in the kitchen in my head
How I wish I could stretch the length of a second?
Curse your heart forever if you forget this moment

Your precious touch, I'll never leave it in the dust (Leave it in the dust)
It brings me right into your temporary love (It is only us)
With last night’s makeup still on my face (Leave your kiss on my face)
One taste of your sweetness, I feel the sugar rush

With last night's makeup on my face
One taste of your sweetness (I taste the sugar rush)
I feel the sugar rush (I can not get enough)

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