Текст песни Snarls - Wishing Bones

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[Verse 1]
I'll wait for you like darkness waits on the moon
And I'll light every path that you tread if you ask

I want only to be beautiful to you if I'm not something you can lose
I'm your flower in the pavement, let me hear you say it
I'm your favorite shade of blue

Are we just friends?
Can't pretend like I'm not breaking
Wishing bones for you

[Verse 2]
Love burns inside, it's been there all my life
When you look in my eyes, I feel
Like I'm scared of rejection if I'm subject to your affection
Not that I think you'd run away from mе
My past just runs too deep
I know that I'm simply just projecting and that's no type of heart protеction

I want only to be beautiful to you if I'm not something you can lose
I'm your flower in the pavement, let me hear you say it
I'm your favorite shade of blue

Are we just friends?
Can't pretend like I'm not breaking
Wishing bones for you
Are we just friends?
Can't pretend like I'm not breaking
Wishing bones for you

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