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You used to dream you'd Float in flowers And talk for hours and hours You told me so Yeah you told me so And then a ship would come And take your soul and fly away You told me so And I can hide in your mind I got this feeling about you You're the sure thing I know In my Heart I got this feeling about you And I can't bear to be apart from you The dancind days were fine We used to dine on mince and quince Without a spoon Yeah without a spoon And searching further on And deep insde a spiral glide We'd reach the moon Oh it was all in your mind I got this feeling about you You're the sure thing I know In my heart I got this feeling about you And I can't bear to be apart from you The days grew shorter The nights seemed longer We knew that soon leaves Would fall to the ground But deep inside we cuddled Under the snow In your mind I got this feeling about you You're the sure thing I know In my Heart I got this feeling about you And I can't bear to be apart from you Apart from you Mind
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