Текст песни Villagers - Money on the Mind

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So I stalled into the meeting with a headful of dreams
But the leader kept on telling me to take one for the team
So I gave my proposition, but they used it for a meme
Now I've got money on the mind
Money on the mind

I was trying to be someone, anyone but me
Clinging on so tight to a sense of injury
But we're all under the hammer and they've got us on our knees
We've got money on the mind
Monеy on the mind

And the funny thing about it is the morе I can see
The less I get the feeling that it's all about me
You can really see the starlight when you turn off your screen
But you've got money on the mind
Money on the mind

And the chorus line is dancing to the beat of its own drum
But I've been keeping busy looking out for number one
And the evidence is mounting, but I don't care what I've done
'Cause I've got money on the mind
Money on the mind

My dear, sacred profit, tell me what you've found
What is it that really makes this world go 'round?
Is it the heart? Is it the soul?
My money's on the mind
Truth be told
My money's on the mind
Truth be told
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