Текст песни Villagers - First Responder

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I curse the weather while you make the raincoat
You make the tough calls while I play the scapegoat
I let it fester and bury it deep
Gather my people and huddle like sheep
But all the while, on the wings of an oath
A first responder is serving us both

I aim my pistol while you aim at brilliance
I learn of injury while you learn resilience
Cursing the cook for a piece of the pie
Playing it blind 'til we see eye to eye
But all the while, on the wings of an oath
A first responder is serving us both

Now I'm twisting your words beyond recognition
Shifting your post to suit my position
Spending my days cursing disparity
While you make the money and give to charity
But all the while, on the wings of an oath
A first responder is serving us both

He enters the fray so softly spoken
A working piece of a system that's broken
All the while, on the wings of an oath
A first responder is serving us both
He enters the fray so softly spoken
A working piece of a system that's broken
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